Thursday, March 26, 2009

What's Special About the 4 Months with 5 Sundays?

Just this very second I want you to stop and I want you to think what images come to mind with the word "church." Do you see a building, a bricks and mortar house of God that you attend on Sunday mornings? Now I want you to take all of those images of what church is and I want you to put them away somewhere. Because worship as you know it... is about to change.

We're introducing 4/5ths as a new way of being church at Crossroads. Throughout the year there are four months which will have a fifth Sunday. Four times a year worshipping God in ways that will transform us and the world through acts of service. Instead of coming to weekend services on that fifth Sunday we will go out and serve on those weekends.

Our 1st 4/5ths Service Weekend happens this month on March 28th and 29th. Here is a good video to watch before heading out to your mission...